Cosmopolitan Tower
Set of renderings for the Cosmopolitan Tower (also known as Block 15), a new-high rise condominium project located in the North Pearl District of Portland, Oregon. Client is Bora Architects.

Central to the design of the project is its relationship to parks immediately to the north and south - the working title for the project at the time of the rendering was “Park Central”. This view was selected to show the proximity to the large new Fields Park, directly north of the project. Many different variations of this viewpoint were studied and ultimately this one-point perspective proved to be successful in emphasizing the slenderness of the tower. Transparency and reflectivity of the glass were particular concerns, and the non-photorealistic technique allowed the team to study several glass types very quickly and with ease.

Overall view from the south with Tanner Springs Park in the foreground.

Fourth floor terrace view.

Closeup of the southeast corner.