Zidell Yards
Named "one of the top five transit-oriented infill development opportunities in the United States" by The Atlantic magazine, Zidell Yards is a 33-acre riverfront parcel situated along the Willamette River between Downtown Portland and the new emerging South Waterfront neighborhood.

This initial rendering was done during the master-planning phase and was intended to be aspirational in nature - demonstrating to the city and potential tenants the possibilities of this site. Colors are fully saturated in the center of the image and the use of red indicates retail uses. The new promenade, lookout, waterside platforms, swimming pools, and the kayak launch are shown to reinforce the concept of direct engagement with the Willamette River. Nearby landmarks such as the Aerial Tram, Ross Island Bridge, and the Tillikum Crossing are included in the viewpoint. The rendering technique is intentionally “dreamy” to focus attention on the new development, reducing detail on the proposed OHSU land and downtown proper.